FAR Part 91 Safety – What You Can Do Right Now

Author By Jim Lara

What are the top concerns voiced by aviation directors about business aviation safety? We surveyed 19 experienced professionals to get their thoughts. From the aviation talent shortage to SOP non-compliance, they provided insights on what they consider the seven most serious risks facing our industry and how to remedy them. Get the details.

Cultural Cornerstones of Great Teams

Author By Jim Lara

Gray Stone Advisors often works in the organizational design and evaluation sector to create high performing organizations, particularly in business and private aviation. The highest performing of these organizations perceive and describe themselves as the consummate “Team.” We believe these companies rely, knowingly or not, on distinct cultural cornerstones to achieve an elite level of

Getting Your Boss to YES!

Author By Jim Lara

What are two of the most intimidating discussions you’ll ever have with your Aviation Reporting Executive (ARE)? Likely they are 1) justifying headcount and 2) justifying operating budgets. Those two talks are never fun. Something about spending corporate money brings out the miser in most! So how do you convince your ARE to allocate the

Effective Communications with Your Principal

Author By Jim Lara

Helping our modest size aviation organizations thrive is one of my true passions at Gray Stone Aviation Advisors.  Over half of the NBAA membership fits into this category. Yet, we, as an industry, have failed to aggressively develop leaders in this segment.  I believe this lack of development has led to high turnover rates and a general sub-optimization

Coming out of Covid-Hibernation?

Author By Jim Lara

A new day dawns in Flight Operations. With COVID-19 cases beginning to decline and the vaccine becoming more readily available, there is good reason for optimism. Question is — are flight departments well positioned to turn the corner?  Emerging from the pandemic, how will Aviation’s value proposition shift within your company? Is flight activity increasing

Is a Leadership Role Really Right for You?

Author By Jim Lara

And if it is, what’s required to be a “Leader?” First, you have to have a true passion for guiding people. Be very honest with yourself. Why do you want to be a “leader?” Is it just for the title or the money? That won’t be enough to carry you to success. In fact, you

Are You Ready to Be a Mentor? 6 Steps to Get You Started

Author By Jim Lara

Have you achieved personal or professional success as a result of working with a talented mentor? Has someone helped you get to where you are today by showing you ‘the ropes’? If so, perhaps you’re ready to pay it forward and become an advisor to someone who wants to elevate their career or personal pursuits to a much higher level. Becoming an effective mentor takes a lot of time and energy—and there are do’s and don’ts so take heed (and read on).