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What’s the best way to ensure long-lasting business performance for your business aviation organization?
By getting focused on why you exist, why you’re in business. This means your department leaders–and the entire team–must truly know and understand the vision, mission and values of your organization.
If your department is currently not aligned with the purpose of the company, then you could be in for sudden changes in cabin pressurization.
To avoid a bumpy ride, hear from GSA’s Senior Advisor Steve Brechter who uses his former boardroom experience at United Technologies and NetJets to help today’s flight department leaders gain momentum and the clear vision needed to succeed.
Gray Stone Advisors helps flight departments improve their business performance by starting with the fundamentals: a clear statement of Mission, Vision and Values.
Once those are created, the flight department has a direction that it’s going and you can align the organization with that future state of being as expressed in the vision statement.
Once the vision, mission and values are expressed, then we start to measure the mission statement. And, as with any of your ISO or IS-BAO processes, measurement and metrics start with that mission statement.
So we take the basic elements of the mission statement whether its safety, service, efficiency, best practices—whatever it is—and start at that point with your metrics and measurements.
Once we get those expressed, and we’re starting to measure performance measure with respect to a certain benchmark—which would be internal corporate expectations or, in many cases, outside benchmarks or best practices.
With those standards—or lines in the sand, if you will—the flight department then has something to measure itself against and track its progress.
Knowing these key fundamentals—and writing down your flight department’s mission, vision and values—can help dramatically improve your business performance and further develop your aviation career as a leader.
If you’d like mission-making assistance and the opportunity to gain alignment with the host organization and create a more productive (and loyal) team, please contact Gray Stone Advisors to discuss your situation.