In business aviation an operating partner is like a consultant, except for one big difference. A consultant typically arrives, assesses the situation, tells you what needs to be done and leaves. An operating partner helps you do it. Read 5 Reasons Why You Need an Operating Partner.
Category: Organizational Development
4 Easy Steps to Writing Effective Value Statements for Your Flight Department Author
When created and implemented in the right way, your value statements will take on strong meaning and serve as your agreed-upon standards for evaluating the actions and behaviors of the team. Think of your value statements as guiding principles for how you’ll accomplish what you need to get done.
Is Your Flight Department Stuck? Create an Operating Plan in 12 Steps Author
Discover why you cannot overestimate the value of a flight department Operating Plan, and then learn how to build an effective one.
Business Aviation Performance Metrics: Building a Business Case Author
Business aviation performance metrics reporting is essential. Gray Stone Advisors helps you build a business case for business aviation performance metrics.
5 Compelling Reasons You Need a Business Aircraft Use Policy Author
Many companies don’t have a Business Aircraft Use Policy, leaving them vulnerable to regulatory violations and low usage. Here’s why you need one.
Success Engineering: How to Design your Career & Legacy Author
If you really want to design a successful, lifelong career, Jim Lara offers these “Success Engineering” tips to get you from start to finish.
5 Ways to Eradicate Fear in Your Flight Department Author
Fear in the workplace is rarely visible. Yet its effects are insidious. Steve Brechter shares 5 ways to eradicate fear in your flight department.
Are You Ready to Be a Mentor? 6 Steps to Get You Started Author
Have you achieved personal or professional success as a result of working with a talented mentor? Has someone helped you get to where you are today by showing you ‘the ropes’? If so, perhaps you’re ready to pay it forward and become an advisor to someone who wants to elevate their career or personal pursuits to a much higher level. Becoming an effective mentor takes a lot of time and energy—and there are do’s and don’ts so take heed (and read on).
Get What You Need! Building an Effective Business Case in Business Aviation Author
What must you do to obtain the resources you need for your flight department? The answer is to prepare a carefully constructed and compelling business case.
Hire Right! Competency-Based Recruiting in Business Aviation Author
For all the great things we do in business aviation, taking the time to define the success criteria for a key position — and then hiring against those needs — is often not one of them. So here’s why it’s vitally important to use competency-based recruiting techniques to fill every position within your flight department.