Become a Business Aviation Thought Leader by Implementing Metrics

Author By Jim Lara

Most of us in business aviation do an okay job measuring “activity.” Meaning, we generally track our miles flown, gallons fuelburned, hours flown, etc. This is a great start. But it’s never a goodidea to drive 80 miles per hour while only looking in the rear-view mirror. What we should be doing a better job

Understanding Finance and Metrics for Chief Pilots

Author By Jim Lara

In our first post in this three-part series, we discussed the four leadership traits required of a great Chief Pilot, and in our second post, we’ll delve into specifics regarding finance, performance metrics and measurements.

How to Improve Business Performance

Author By Steve Brechter

What’s the best way to ensure long-lasting business performance for your business aviation organization? By getting focused on *why* you exist, *why* you’re in business. This means your department leaders–and the entire team–must truly know and understand the vision, mission and values of your organization.