Hiring the most ideal, best-suited business aviation professional is no easy task. It requires merging a great cultural fit with superior skills and an attitude focused upon the organization’s success. Here are our bizav recruiting tips.
Author: Jim Lara
Four Steps to Strategic Planning for Business Aviation Flight Departments Author
Strategic planning for business aviation flight departments require laying where a flight department is going over the next visible time frame. If you’ve not yet introduced strategic planning into your routine, read more.
How to Create your Vision, Mission and Values Author
Would your flight department team benefit from improved communication with your parent company? Learn how to get aligned by creating your vision, mission and values.
Corporate Flight Department Fleet Planning Author
Is your aircraft fleet meeting the needs of your organization? In this video, Jim Lara and Steve Brechter explains how to conduct corporate flight department fleet planning.
Gray Stone Advisors’ NBAA Recap Author
The business aviation consulting firm, Gray Stone Advisors, recaps the 65th National Business Aviation Association Annual Meeting & Convention in Orlando.
How to Be an Effective Business Aviation Director Author
The first three months of any job can be challenging. Learn how to be an effective business aviation director in the first 100 days.
Aviation Mentoring 101: Are You Building Your Bench? Author
To achieve leadership success, seek out a mentor who can help you grow, develop and contribute to the ongoing success of your organization. To learn more, read our Mentoring 101 blog.
How to Find an Executive Mentor and Commit to your Long-term Success in Aviation Author
Are you ready to become a Transformational Leader? That is, someone who guides and directs others to success? If so, great! One of the best ways to ensure your long-term success is to invest your time and energy in an Executive Mentor who’s just as committed as you are to your long-term success.
Aviation Training vs. Development: What’s the Difference? Author
We spend lot of time and money training. But how much effort do we put into ‘developing’ our people? And just what is training vs development?
What are Metrics and Why Do I Need Them? Author
The first question that we often get is: “What are metrics and why do I need them?” Learn more.