How Do Self-Assessment Tools Work in Business Aviation?

Author By Steve Brechter

So you’ve got strategic and near-term operating plans for your business aviation organization, and your team is diligently working on them. Things are somewhat better, but the organizational results aren’t quite there. You get the feeling that you should screw a turbocharger on the team somewhere, but you can’t figure out how. If this sounds like your flight department, fear not. The use of self-assessment tools can take a marginally performing organization and place it into overdrive.

Overseeing the Flight Department Part II: Know The Numbers

Author By Steve Brechter

In one of our latest blog posts, we talked about the first four steps to becoming an effective Business Aviation Reporting Executive, and how the role doesn’t have to be viewed as a “death sentence.” Now, when it comes to overseeing the flight department, the next big step is to “Know the Numbers.”